
This series of paintings is dominated by printed Persian and Arabic writings with hand-written pattern of seminary courses, in a way that the written words would not hold on to a similar baseline and the eye should constantly search in the page to discover what concept is hidden on it. This layout is the main subject of this series. Pictures of the historical and famous people whom have been killed, or the cattle that were slaughtered everyday. Ink colors that are splashed on the images and the borders ,would connect or disconnect the form of images. In these painting series,much focus has been done to create frames without any regular symmetric base. These images do not follow any specified format. In number of these panels, window frames, three dimensional volumes, they display different subjects. In collage installation on the ground,an impression of pieces of slash of images, create a rhythm of puzzle-like species.
100x70 cm-Mix Media-1380-2001
100x70 cm-Mix Media-1380-2001
100x70 cm-Mix Media-1380-2001
100x70 cm-Mix Media-1380-2001
100x70 cm-Mix Media-1380-2001
100x70 cm-Mix Media-1380-2001
100x70 cm-Mix Media-1380-2001
100x70 cm-Mix Media-1380-2001
120x100 cm-Mix Media-1380-2001
200x300 cm-Mix Media-1380-2001
300x110 cm-Mix Media-1380-2001